Geodesic Domes

Konar Architects is exploring and developing the design and construction of geodesic domes for the urban evironment. There’s nothing new in the form of a dome and they have been a part of architecture for hundreds of years. They are beautiful, simple and the most efficient of forms providing the maximum building volume for the least building surface area. With no delineation between wall and roof the dome is a single spatial element that not only envelopes the habitant but provides a sense of security and peacefulness.

Unlike traditional domes generally constructed of masonry or concrete, the geodesic dome is formed using framing elements that are assembled using a simple method of triangulation. The resultant dome is relatively easy to fabricate, is light weight and efficient in the use of materials. Building a geodesic dome is an inherently environmentally principled method of construction.


The Konar Architects Geodesic Greenhouse project was undertaken as an experiment to assess how a dome could be constructed with the simplest and cheapest of everyday materials and that any person with basic tools and abilities could achieve on their own. The completed project is an exemplar of a garden greenhouse that can be constructed in small urban spaces and with a diameter of 3.0m and floor area less than 10m² may (subject to Municipal Council confirmation) be completed without the need for a building permit.

The structure was built using a combination of recycled timber salvaged from a house demolition as well as other recycled materials to form the base and connection nodes. In some cases new materials were required particularly fixings and materials in contact with the ground.
The cost for the dome was very minimal and the basic dome frame and covering took approximately four weekends to complete. The resultant greenhouse is a conclusive success and is providing great enjoyment to it’s owner and is being used to grow vegies and as a chill-out space .

Konar Architects Geodesic Dome – Greenhouse Construction


A video tutorial on the construction of the geodesic dome greenhouse can be accessed by following the Youtube link below. As always you can contact Konar Architects if you have any questions or would like a dome designed or constructed.


Konar Architects can assist with the design of geodesic dome projects of all types and for larger dome structures prepare any required building permit application documentation. We can also undertake the construction of domes for clients upon application. Contact Konar Architects for further information